
From Tokyo to Hiroshima by bus

If you are going from Tokyo to Hiroshima, what is the best way to travel? Aeroplane? Shinkansen?

Are the most common reply. If you want to travel for a little cheaper then highway bus is your number one choice!
If you depart on a weekday, then you can travel for about ¥6,000. The Shinkansen would cost approximately ¥20,000.
There are also a variety of boarding locations such as JR Tokyo, Shinjuku Bus Terminal and Akihabara station, etc.
There are many boarding locations to choose from so you can choose one that fits your travel plans.
If you take a night bus,then you will be able to get a full nights sleep whilst you travel and arrive at your destination on the following day. You can also save yourself the price of a hotel for one night.

If the bus code starts with an X or a Z then you can make a booking from one month in advance. For all other buses, bookings can be made between 1 and 4 months before the intended departure date.
We suggest that you visit our website closer to your desired departure date and make a booking then.

Major Bus Stops

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