

The highway bus is convenient for traveling from Osaka to Nagoya.
The average time for a bus journey from Osaka to Nagoya is approximately 3 hours and cost up to ¥3,000 one way.
It is less than half the price of the Shinkansen (Approx ¥7,500).
From early morning to late night departures, you can choose the bus that departs to fit your travel plans.

Nagoya is Japan's 4th largest city. With many sightseeing spots such as Nagoya castle famous for its golden dolphins, Atsuta shrine and its powerspot, Sakae the famous shopping district and many others.

If you are traveling to Nagoya, make sure to try the comfortable and convenient night bus.

If the bus code starts with an X or a Z then you can make a booking from one month in advance. For all other buses, bookings can be made between 1 and 4 months before the intended departure date.
We suggest that you visit our website closer to your desired departure date and make a booking then.

Major Bus Stops

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